Source code for robin_stocks.robinhood.helper

"""Contains decorator functions and functions for interacting with global data.
from functools import wraps

import requests
from robin_stocks.robinhood.globals import LOGGED_IN, OUTPUT, SESSION

def set_login_state(logged_in):
    """Sets the login state"""
    global LOGGED_IN
    LOGGED_IN = logged_in

def set_output(output):
    """Sets the global output stream"""
    global OUTPUT
    OUTPUT = output
def get_output():
    """Gets the current global output stream"""
    global OUTPUT
    return OUTPUT

def login_required(func):
    """A decorator for indicating which methods require the user to be logged
    def login_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        global LOGGED_IN
        if not LOGGED_IN:
            raise Exception('{} can only be called when logged in'.format(
        return(func(*args, **kwargs))

def convert_none_to_string(func):
    """A decorator for converting a None Type into a blank string"""
    def string_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if result:

def id_for_stock(symbol):
    """Takes a stock ticker and returns the instrument id associated with the stock.

    :param symbol: The symbol to get the id for.
    :type symbol: str
    :returns:  A string that represents the stocks instrument id.

        symbol = symbol.upper().strip()
    except AttributeError as message:
        print(message, file=get_output())

    url = ''
    payload = {'symbol': symbol}
    data = request_get(url, 'indexzero', payload)

    return(filter_data(data, 'id'))

def id_for_chain(symbol):
    """Takes a stock ticker and returns the chain id associated with a stocks option.

    :param symbol: The symbol to get the id for.
    :type symbol: str
    :returns:  A string that represents the stocks options chain id.

        symbol = symbol.upper().strip()
    except AttributeError as message:
        print(message, file=get_output())

    url = ''

    payload = {'symbol': symbol}
    data = request_get(url, 'indexzero', payload)

    if data:

def id_for_group(symbol):
    """Takes a stock ticker and returns the id associated with the group.

    :param symbol: The symbol to get the id for.
    :type symbol: str
    :returns:  A string that represents the stocks group id.

        symbol = symbol.upper().strip()
    except AttributeError as message:
        print(message, file=get_output())

    url = '{0}/'.format(
    data = request_get(url)

def id_for_option(symbol, expirationDate, strike, optionType):
    """Returns the id associated with a specific option order.

    :param symbol: The symbol to get the id for.
    :type symbol: str
    :param expirationData: The expiration date as YYYY-MM-DD
    :type expirationData: str
    :param strike: The strike price.
    :type strike: str
    :param optionType: Either call or put.
    :type optionType: str
    :returns:  A string that represents the stocks option id.

    symbol = symbol.upper()
    chain_id = id_for_chain(symbol)
    payload = {
        'chain_id': chain_id,
        'expiration_dates': expirationDate,
        'strike_price': strike,
        'type': optionType,
        'state': 'active'
    url = ''
    data = request_get(url, 'pagination', payload)

    listOfOptions = [item for item in data if item["expiration_date"] == expirationDate]
    if (len(listOfOptions) == 0):
        print('Getting the option ID failed. Perhaps the expiration date is wrong format, or the strike price is wrong.', file=get_output())


def round_price(price):
    """Takes a price and rounds it to an appropriate decimal place that Robinhood will accept.

    :param price: The input price to round.
    :type price: float or int
    :returns: The rounded price as a float.

    price = float(price)
    if price <= 1e-2:
        returnPrice = round(price, 6)
    elif price < 1e0:
        returnPrice = round(price, 4)
        returnPrice = round(price, 2)

    return returnPrice

def filter_data(data, info):
    """Takes the data and extracts the value for the keyword that matches info.

    :param data: The data returned by request_get.
    :type data: dict or list
    :param info: The keyword to filter from the data.
    :type info: str
    :returns:  A list or string with the values that correspond to the info keyword.

    if (data == None):
    elif (data == [None]):
    elif (type(data) == list):
        if (len(data) == 0):
        compareDict = data[0]
        noneType = []
    elif (type(data) == dict):
        compareDict = data
        noneType = None

    if info is not None:
        if info in compareDict and type(data) == list:
            return([x[info] for x in data])
        elif info in compareDict and type(data) == dict:
            print(error_argument_not_key_in_dictionary(info), file=get_output())

def inputs_to_set(inputSymbols):
    """Takes in the parameters passed to *args and puts them in a set and a list.
    The set will make sure there are no duplicates, and then the list will keep
    the original order of the input.

    :param inputSymbols: A list, dict, or tuple of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: list or dict or tuple or str
    :returns:  A list of strings that have been capitalized and stripped of white space.


    symbols_list = []
    symbols_set = set()

    def add_symbol(symbol):
        symbol = symbol.upper().strip()
        if symbol not in symbols_set:

    if type(inputSymbols) is str:
    elif type(inputSymbols) is list or type(inputSymbols) is tuple or type(inputSymbols) is set:
        inputSymbols = [comp for comp in inputSymbols if type(comp) is str]
        for item in inputSymbols:


[docs]def request_document(url, payload=None): """Using a document url, makes a get request and returnes the session data. :param url: The url to send a get request to. :type url: str :returns: Returns the session.get() data as opppose to session.get().json() data. """ try: res = SESSION.get(url, params=payload) res.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as message: print(message, file=get_output()) return(None) return(res)
[docs]def request_get(url, dataType='regular', payload=None, jsonify_data=True): """For a given url and payload, makes a get request and returns the data. :param url: The url to send a get request to. :type url: str :param dataType: Determines how to filter the data. 'regular' returns the unfiltered data. \ 'results' will return data['results']. 'pagination' will return data['results'] and append it with any \ data that is in data['next']. 'indexzero' will return data['results'][0]. :type dataType: Optional[str] :param payload: Dictionary of parameters to pass to the url. Will append the requests url as url/?key1=value1&key2=value2. :type payload: Optional[dict] :param jsonify_data: If this is true, will return, otherwise will return response from :type jsonify_data: bool :returns: Returns the data from the get request. If jsonify_data=True and requests returns an http code other than <200> \ then either '[None]' or 'None' will be returned based on what the dataType parameter was set as. """ if (dataType == 'results' or dataType == 'pagination'): data = [None] else: data = None res = None if jsonify_data: try: res = SESSION.get(url, params=payload) res.raise_for_status() data = res.json() except (requests.exceptions.HTTPError, AttributeError) as message: print(message, file=get_output()) return(data) else: res = SESSION.get(url, params=payload) return(res) # Only continue to filter data if jsonify_data=True, and Session.get returned status code <200>. if (dataType == 'results'): try: data = data['results'] except KeyError as message: print("{0} is not a key in the dictionary".format(message), file=get_output()) return([None]) elif (dataType == 'pagination'): counter = 2 nextData = data try: data = data['results'] except KeyError as message: print("{0} is not a key in the dictionary".format(message), file=get_output()) return([None]) if nextData['next']: print('Found Additional pages.', file=get_output()) while nextData['next']: try: res = SESSION.get(nextData['next']) res.raise_for_status() nextData = res.json() except: print('Additional pages exist but could not be loaded.', file=get_output()) return(data) print('Loading page '+str(counter)+' ...', file=get_output()) counter += 1 for item in nextData['results']: data.append(item) elif (dataType == 'indexzero'): try: data = data['results'][0] except KeyError as message: print("{0} is not a key in the dictionary".format(message), file=get_output()) return(None) except IndexError as message: return(None) return(data)
[docs]def request_post(url, payload=None, timeout=16, json=False, jsonify_data=True): """For a given url and payload, makes a post request and returns the response. Allows for responses other than 200. :param url: The url to send a post request to. :type url: str :param payload: Dictionary of parameters to pass to the url as url/?key1=value1&key2=value2. :type payload: Optional[dict] :param timeout: The time for the post to wait for a response. Should be slightly greater than multiples of 3. :type timeout: Optional[int] :param json: This will set the 'content-type' parameter of the session header to 'application/json' :type json: bool :param jsonify_data: If this is true, will return, otherwise will return response from :type jsonify_data: bool :returns: Returns the data from the post request. """ data = None res = None try: if json: update_session('Content-Type', 'application/json') res =, json=payload, timeout=timeout) update_session( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8') else: res =, data=payload, timeout=timeout) if res.status_code not in [200, 201, 202, 204, 301, 302, 303, 304, 307, 400, 401, 402, 403]: raise Exception("Received "+ str(res.status_code)) data = res.json() except Exception as message: print("Error in request_post: {0}".format(message), file=get_output()) if jsonify_data: return(data) else: return(res)
[docs]def request_delete(url): """For a given url and payload, makes a delete request and returns the response. :param url: The url to send a delete request to. :type url: str :returns: Returns the data from the delete request. """ try: res = SESSION.delete(url) res.raise_for_status() data = res except Exception as message: data = None print("Error in request_delete: {0}".format(message), file=get_output()) return(data)
def update_session(key, value): """Updates the session header used by the requests library. :param key: The key value to update or add to session header. :type key: str :param value: The value that corresponds to the key. :type value: str :returns: None. Updates the session header with a value. """ SESSION.headers[key] = value def error_argument_not_key_in_dictionary(keyword): return('Error: The keyword "{0}" is not a key in the dictionary.'.format(keyword)) def error_ticker_does_not_exist(ticker): return('Warning: "{0}" is not a valid stock ticker. It is being ignored'.format(ticker)) def error_must_be_nonzero(keyword): return('Error: The input parameter "{0}" must be an integer larger than zero and non-negative'.format(keyword))